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Plaster stop bead provides a straight accurate line, it is used to reinforce the plaster or render on its edge. Plaster stop
bead is designed as a universal plaster stop used at wall ends, door and window openings to make a neat, flush frame.
Plaster stop bead protects the edge from damage and helps corner shrinkage cracks. Plaster stop bead can be used for
many different applications and can also be less expensive compared to other construction methods. The beads are
designed with a ridge of nail holes to provide easy installation. Plaster stop beads can be used in all types of buildings
and constructions and all types of cement plastering works Plaster stop beads help in improving the quality of the
building with reference to the abutments of the wall surfaces to other dissimilar surfaces. Plaster stop beads are used
between wall surfaces and abutment of doors and window frames and in places wherever the plaster ends.

Installation :
Fixing is very quick and simple, by applying plaster dabs to the walling dabs to the walling at 600 mm internals and
pressing the plaster stop bead against the dabs or by using galvanized nails for fixing at the same internals, holding firmly
to the side of the wood finish and applying pre plaster coating, cutting the pre plater. After the pre plaster is set, apply
plaster finish as done in the normal course.
For making grooves pattern on external walls plastering, fix stop bead on one side as required. Leveling with timbe
grounds, apply plaster dabs at required internals or alternatively use galvanized nails for fixing and apply pre plaster
when this bead is set with the pre plastering, fix the second bead into position using timber insents for the required gap
between the two beads leveling and apply pre plaster. When both beads are set, remove timber inserts and complete
the plastering as done in normal course.

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